The Haven: Embracing Cookieless Tracking for Enhanced Privacy

Understanding Our Shift to Cookieless Tracking

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital analytics, we at The Haven have made a significant change to better protect your privacy. While you might still see our “cookie consent banner” due to legal requirements, we’ve transitioned to a different analytics company that supports cookieless tracking.

Why Privacy Matters to Us

We believe deeply in safeguarding your personal information. In the current world of pervasive tracking, it is vital to ensure that your data remains yours. Our new partner, Burst Statistics, aligns with our values and helps us maintain this principle. Unlike other analytics platforms that conduct deep dives into user data, Burst Statistics respects the boundaries set by our bots and focuses on user privacy.

Implications for Visitors

This switch means several things for you. Firstly, Google will still crawl our site daily but will adhere to the limits our bots impose. This forms part of our broader strategy to ensure your privacy. For further information on how this decision benefits you, we encourage you to follow this link.

Community Feedback and Upcoming Changes

We can’t express enough how important your privacy is to us. To continuously improve your experience, we will be adding a “bug report” link to the footer of our site. Please use this feature to report any issues, such as bad links or loading errors. Bear with us over the next month or so, as you might encounter longer load times due to home page animations we are currently testing. We appreciate your patience and are committed to fine-tuning these aspects in due time. Keep visiting for more updates!


I built this little Haven. Feel free to contribute, learn, comment, post, and ask me anything. Also if you need anything Designed or Printed, you can leave me messages here. Have A Blessed Day

Articles: 32

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