Just wingin’ it!

HoodBilly HeadShop Mascot

my youTube is gettin’ alittle attention. this is good! The real purpose of this whole website thing is to share & learn. Mr. BaronFeydRautha Over at the YouTube gave me this reminder. Although I am unable to fulfill his actual “Request”. I do have a similar model I can share. I wanted to share the F3D or STEP from fusion 360, but I am unable to locate them at the moment. This is likely due to my lack of organization or help. I have a ton of “shit” content. by this i mean I don’t have a bunch of video editing knowledge, although I will look into the audio end of things sometime this week and start getting better audio. the video is what you get. damn camera is smarter than i am, so picture “quality” is fine in my own opinion. feel free to share yours with me.

This wasn’t supposed to be a run on post. what I do have for all memebers and will continue to do is Free Model Files. Now I am not making any promises at the moment as to how many free model files, or how often I’ll put them out. I’m just saying I can do this periodically for sure. Again this time, I am unable to find a Fully Editable file of the Boda Apparatus. The one I did find does not load in fusion any longer. I worked on the Boda over a year ago at this point, and I did not really want to attempt to “sell” it due to possible copyright issues. So once I completed the concept. those files were no longer important. no worries though I have plenty of models, and can make many more.

With that said, sign up and collect your free Boda V2 I think Is the one I found that still loads and slices. Due to my lack of preparedness, these 2 files are only recommended if you have decent model slicing & printing knoledge.

You must be a logged-in member to see the model file download above.

I have decided to share this one in zip form, but may switch to straight RAR archive files for downloads. For many reasons, I highly recommend WinRar.

As always, Thanks for coming by. Please leave some feedback and help grow the site. Have a Blessed Day!



I built this little Haven. Feel free to contribute, learn, comment, post, and ask me anything. Also if you need anything Designed or Printed, you can leave me messages here. Have A Blessed Day

Articles: 32

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